Just wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten about this blog. I just havent had time to get on blogger lately. Mostly because I discovered Tumblr. For anyone who is interested, here is a link to my page over there. So far I have posted well over a hundred photos, and if you like it here, i am sure you will like it there! http://coryscrappycinema.tumblr.com/
Well, I like the fact that I can pretty much jerk off to any and every picture you've got there on your tumblr account. Guess we got a lot of common interests dude.
I'm confused about the whole tumblr thing though. Your page is just pictures that interest you and that's it, right? Do you upload your own stuff too, or do you just choose what you like from your subscriptions? Anyways, clicking your achive was like going to happyland.
Well, my intention is to add stuff I have found on my own internet wanderings, but there is such a wealth of pics that I find from following others on a daily basis that I really dont need to. So my page is like 5% self posting and 95% reblogging. But I am happy to see that you liked it so much! Ive only been there a couple months and already have well over 1000 posts! Keep checking back there is more sleaze and gore to come!
Erik, I just checked your profile and realized that I am also in your network of friends at dvdaf.com as well. LOL small world. So yeah that pretty much clinches it. We have waaayyy too much in common ;)
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